Pier 7 Engagement Photos | Kristine & Sean


There’s just something about taking Pier 7 engagement photos. I’ve been dying to take some photos at Pier 7 and man it did not disappoint. We got there nice and early at 7 am. Which thanks to Day Light Savings was pretty late compared to summertime sunrises. But, it was so so SO worth it. There were very few other people around which allowed us to be able to hang out and do our thing without worry of being in the way.

One of the best compliments I can get as a photographer is when a couple refers me to other couples and Kristine and Sean were referred to me by Katy and Markus. And their engagement session in Palmer’s was one of my favorites of the year.

So, when Kristine reached out to me I already knew she and Sean were going to be great and we’re going to have so much fun! They no longer live in San Francisco but this is the city where they fell in love. And wanted some photos to commemorate this next chapter in their lives. They actually used to live in Embarcadero and taking photos here and then heading to the Ferry Building was just so them.

San Francisco Engagement Photo

And that’s always my biggest recommendation to couples. Pick a place and or something to do that you both enjoy. Doing that will make the experience just so memorable. So, Kristine and Sean picked Pier 7 and the Ferry Building for their Pier 7 engagement photos because they use to live right on Embarcadero.

Now they live more in the South Bay but they wanted to remember the city and the place where they fell in love.

And then we ended their day with these amazing views of the Bay Bridge and Yerba Buena Island. A perfect way to remember downtown SF.

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