4th Floor San Francisco City Hall Wedding | Marizol & Julian


4th Floor San Francisco City Hall Wedding

To say this 4th Floor San Francisco City Hall wedding was a long time coming would be an understatement. Almost 10 years after they met and 9 years (to the day), after they started dating Marizol and Julian, were finally ready to tie the knot with their families and friends by their side. 

How They Met

Marizol and Julian are high school sweethearts but not in the traditional way. They met one faithful day in geometry. Julian, a senior, and Marizol, a freshman scandalous I know! They talked the whole year just as friends and then Julian graduated. And as Marizol put it she never thought about him again! Until she got a text from a random number asking her out for burritos. Come to find out it was Julian! Marizol had left her number in his yearbook and he decided to use it many months later.

Marizol and Julian moved to Seattle together just over a year ago. And decided to come home to celebrate this next chapter with their families. And, of course, get married at the iconic San Francisco City Hall. 

They had a beautiful ceremony with some traditions like the lasso rosary that was placed on them by Julian’s brother and sister-in-law. Marizol cried the whole time and Julian just held her hands and wiped the tears away when he could. 

After they exchanged vows and rings and had their first kiss we took some family and friend formal portraits during their 4th Floor San Francisco City Hall wedding. Before heading outside for a little faux exit with all their guests cheering them on!

Julian and Marizol have a fur baby Luna that they 100% had to be included in their day. So, I made sure to take special care and make sure she was in lots of photos after their ceremony was finished. We adventure around San Francisco City Hall getting photos on the grand staircase, the window sill, and the 4th floor balcony. Then we head over to Pier 7 for a few last photos.

Pier 7 Wedding Portraits

Once we got to Pier 7, Marizol and Julian popped a champagne bottle in celebration of their 4th Floor San Francisco City Hall wedding and finally being married! And by then, Luna was exhausted from all the smells and excitement so we called it a day. And Marizol and Julian headed to Happy Dumpling to meet their families and friends for lunch.

Dress – Lulu’s

Officiant –

Photography – Torez Marguerite Photography

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